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75 percent of all people with a vagina will come into contact with it at least once in their life. What are we talking about here? The answer is vaginal thrush and although this phenomenon is known to most people, it is unfortunately still a topic fraught with shame. However, the large number of people affected already reveals that it is sometimes not so easy to avoid this malevolent resident. There are a whole range of things that can promote the proliferation of fungal infections. What are they? What does the therapy or treatment look like? Are there any myths surrounding the topic? It's time to speak plainly about it.
When it comes to menstruation, many people like to throw around wild facts. Some of these facts can drive menstruators quite crazy. Understandable, in our opinion, because behind many menstrual myths there is anything but the truth, but rather the keyword period shaming. Unfortunately, we are still in a society in which there is stigma and little knowledge about periods, which leads to all sorts of menstrual myths being spread. We think it's time to expose false myths and take a closer look at known facts. Be sure to stick around until the end, because there are actually menstrual myths that can be true.
Your period is here, you feel bloated and you can hardly recognize yourself in the mirror? No reason to worry, because many menstruators struggle with this symptom during, but also shortly before, their period. This is usually due to hormonal water retention - and this is not uncommon. They can often lead to motivation reaching zero and you no longer feeling completely comfortable in your own skin. In today's blog post we will explain to you what water retention is all about, how you can get rid of it quickly and how you can prevent it in the future.
Constant burning and itching in the intimate area, painful sex or even bleeding? Vaginal dryness could be the trigger here. Often known as a symptom of menopause, it does not stop at young people either. What is particularly treacherous about vaginal dryness is not only the unpleasant symptoms, but also the fact that it is a shameful topic in our society. That's why people often prefer to keep quiet about it. However, we at Taynie ask ourselves: “Why?” After all, there are many people who can sing a whole song about this topic. With our new blog post about the causes, symptoms and treatment of vaginal dryness, we would like to give the topic more attention and encourage those affected to break their silence.
You are vegan and the desire to have children is just around the corner? Then you may have already asked yourself whether you can continue your vegan lifestyle during pregnancy. You probably want to remain true to your ethical attitudes during this time in your life. However, expectant parents often encounter criticism from those around them when they reveal that they want to live a vegan lifestyle during pregnancy. The concern is usually that there is a nutrient deficiency and serious consequences for the unborn child. But is that really the case? In our new blog post we want to explain to you why a vegan diet also makes sense during pregnancy.
“I pack my suitcase and take with me: bikini, beach towel, sun hat…”. Oops, your cycle calendar is in strawberry week mode! When you're packing your suitcase for your upcoming summer vacation, something else can quickly come up: period products. But periods can become a challenge not only during your vacation, but also during the beginning of your journey on the train, car, plane, etc. While you want to while away the time of your journey with a book and music, you now have to look out for one Hold toilet. But don't panic, because we at Taynie have put together the absolute guide for you so that you are prepared with tips for menstruation while traveling.
“Do you have period products with you?”. That's probably not a sentence that comes off easily at normal volume. Many people feel uncomfortable when they have to reveal that they are menstruating. The period taboo is real - unfortunately all over the world. But why is it so uncomfortable for many people to talk about their bleeding? After all, around half of all people have it. In today's blog post we will address the topic of period shaming and look at the background to it. But we can already say one thing: we have to finally start talking more about periods!
In a society full of beauty obsession and social media, it is not surprising that some people suffer from eating disorders. Eating can then quickly become a stress test. There is not only anorexia (anorexia nervosa), which is characterized by restrictive eating habits and being underweight, but also other forms, such as binge eating disorder. Eating disorders can be very individual and fluid and often have serious physical consequences. Periods, especially missed periods, tend to go hand in hand with eating disorders. You will find out why this is the case and what you can do about it later in this blog post.
Sweats, dizziness and nausea - you can certainly do without them! However, these annoying symptoms often occur in combination with the period. As if it wasn't enough that you're bleeding and having abdominal pain. But circulatory problems affect many menstruating people and, especially now in the hot summer temperatures, these symptoms can be really tormenting. But did you know that there are useful tips that can help get your circulation going again? Let's now shine the spotlight on the things you can do if you finally want to say goodbye to your circulatory problems.
Does the term ectopic pregnancy sound familiar?? As the name suggests, this is not a normal pregnancy. About 1% of pregnancies are ectopic. While in a normal pregnancy implantation occurs in the uterus, in an ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg sits in the fallopian tube. This is why incorrect implantation is often referred to. You can find out in this blog post that this can be a life-threatening condition, why it happens in the first place, what the symptoms are and what the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy looks like.
At some point during your school career the time has come and the topic of “sex education” comes up. Here we learned how the sexual organs are structured and what they look like, that contraception is the be-all and end-all and so on. Perhaps you, too, have realized as your life has progressed that all the topics cannot simply be generalized and that fundamental, important things have been left out. Not all intimate areas look the same, discharge is normal and there are also diverse and same-sex relationships. In today's blog post we are dealing with the topics that were not given to us back then. Here are 5 things we wish we had learned earlier.
