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Our projects

With Taynie, we not only want to make an active contribution to climate protection, but also to bring the topic of menstruation more into the focus of society and contribute to removing taboos from the subject. It is therefore all the more important that we do enough educational work and give people all over the world access to our Taynies.

For this reason, we are working with a partner project in East Africa, among others, so that people in underdeveloped regions can also wear underwear for menstruation and bladder weakness. We are also in close contact with teachers, midwives and gynecologists. Taynie has managed to provide several thousand women and adolescents with a sustainable alternative to tampons and pads.

We are proud of this and will continue to pursue this goal. 😊


TERRE DES FEMMES is a non-profit human rights organization for girls and
women that supports girls and women through international networking, public relations work, campaigns and the promotion of individual projects. Since 1981, TERRE DES FEMMES has been committed to an equal, self-determined and free life for girls and women both in Germany and worldwide. The focus of TERRE DES FEMMES' human rights work includes domestic and sexualized violence, trafficking in women and prostitution.

Cooperation with mobile youth work in Reutlingen and Tübingen

As one of our goals is that period underwear should be accessible to everyone, we work together with the organization Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe im Landkreis Tübingen und Reutlingen.
We specifically support the mobile youth work project - a project aimed at young people who are at risk of social disadvantage and exclusion. The most important goal of mobile youth work is to achieve an improvement in their life situation.

Regional partner NABU Leverkusen-Cologne

Together with our partner NABU Leverkusen-Köln, we support nature and species conservation right "on our doorstep". In addition to looking after nature reserves, NABU's tasks also include recording changes in flora and fauna. Two projects are particularly close to our hearts, which is why we regularly donate part of our proceeds to NABU.
NABU uses the proceeds to preserve orchards, which are considered a habitat for the endangered little owl. The conservation of the habitat of the green toad is also supported.

Partnership project in East Africa

With our partner in East Africa, we support people in Kenya, Mozambique and Malawi. This partner specializes in the training of medical professionals, medical care for people in need and local community work. We regularly donate taynies to Africa, giving people access to durable and sustainable menstrual underwear. In addition, we converted parts of our production at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis to send well over ten thousand masks to Africa. Thanks to our local partner, we can be sure that these products actually reach the people in need in Kenya, Mozambique and Malawi.

Collaboration with midwives, gynecologists and menstrual hygiene consultants

We provide midwives, gynecologists and menstrual hygiene consultants with samples that they can use in their advice on sustainable period products.

Based on our many years of working with midwives, we have found that women in the postpartum period in particular find period underwear more comfortable than conventional disposable menstrual products.

Period 24 - our portal for teachers

On our portal Period24 portal, we provide teachers with free teaching material for sex education lessons. The informative teaching material provides pupils with up-to-date information about periods and puberty.

It is important to us that these topics are removed from the taboo for young people. Pupils can therefore also use Period24 and download free material.

Cooperation with pro familia and women's shelters

It is still our intention to work together with a wide range of professional groups so that sustainable menstrual hygiene products gain attention and the topic of menstruation is de-tabooed in our society. We have great discount codes for this collaboration, which we are happy to make available to you in the event of a cooperation. Send us your request via the contact form and we will get back to you shortly.


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