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How does stress affect the menstrual cycle?

Summer is just around the corner: Thedays are getting hotter and the nights are getting longer. A time to unwind and relax. But what if the Everyday stress What is stopping you from doing it? Work appointments, family matters, strokes of fate and pressure to perform can put a damper on everything. Stress can not only be quite annoying, but can also damage your health and negatively on your menstrual cycle Today we want to explain to you what influence stress can have on your menstruation and what tips and tricks you can use to counteract it.

First of all, how is stress defined?

Stress is something very individual: While you may be Pressure at work stressed, other people deal with it more calmly. However, they feel anxious at the thought of Weekend shopping Friday afternoon in the crowded supermarket is a concentrated load of stress. As individual as Stress triggers can be, are also the Effects on the body But stress is not bad per se, because it is a natural physical reaction that is triggered by the brain and is important. Stress enables us to cope with difficult situations and challenges because hormones such as Cortisol , are released. Stress is therefore a part of life. It usually only becomes dangerous when the stress is not short-lived but lasts for a longer period of time. There are certainlydays where there is more stress - but there should also be quieterdays What is particularly important is how it is handled so that it does not make people ill. 

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What are the symptoms of stress?

Stress can affect the entire body. When people are under stress, for example, the Tighten muscles . When the stress is over, they relax again. You may have had Headache when you had a very stressful phase. So-called Tension headaches are a frequent and annoying companion of a tense shoulder and neck area and can certainly be triggered by stress. 

But stress can also Gastrointestinal area be affected. From Stomach pain, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea can be anything. It can also happen that stress affects your appetite Stress can increase or decrease your appetite, so even in turbulent times you need to eat a balanced diet. Nutrition There are people who suffer from eating binges due to constant stress or who simply cannot eat anything at all.Your diet can also have an impact on the hormones in your body that cause stress. Things like alcohol and caffeine can, for example, increase the hormone cortisol and should therefore be avoided.

Apart from that, the heartbeat increase , when stress occursdays sordnung. The Blood vessels can expand and this can cause blood pressure to rise. In the worst case scenario, those affected can even suffer a heart attack or stroke, so it is very important that you have good stress management. 

Psychological stress and its influence on the cycle

Have you ever noticed that your cycle suddenly gets totally messed up during stressful times? period can become irregular due to physical but also psychological causes. If you can rule out physical causes, such as pregnancy, then psychological stress is probably responsible for your irregular cycle. Private or professional stress also has a major influence on your period and can affect your Even delay ovulation Chronic stress in particular can have a major impact on your hormone levels. It is therefore advisable to keep an eye on potential stress factors in your everyday life, as these can provide information about whether your period is irregular or absent as a result.

How much can stress affect your period?

Important to know is: The longer the stress lasts, the more serious the effects on the cycle . There are many menstruating women who suffer from oligomenorrhea due to stress. This means that the intervals between menstruation become longer. A shortened cycle due to stress is also possible. But that's not all. Even amenorrhea, i.e. the complete absence of a period, can occur. Did you also know that stress can cause even more severe menstrual pain? Stress can therefore affect not only your ovulation, but also your menstrual cramps.

Why does your menstrual cycle shift when you are stressed?

The release of stress hormones displaces the other hormones in your body - including the sex hormones that are important for your bleeding. This is particularly noticeable in the so-called luteal phase, the phase between ovulation and your period. The stress hormones reduce the sex hormone progesterone. The complicated term progesterone refers to a sex hormone that is important for the development of the uterine lining. A progesterone deficiency can also be negative for a planned pregnancy, as it can interfere with the implantation of the egg. So you can see that stress can even affect your hormone production. This is not only bad for your menstruation, but also for any desire to have children. 

What is the best way to combat stress?

Especially during stressful periods, it can be very useful to consciously take time for rest and relaxation. This reduces the risk of your health and your cycle being affected by stress. Your personal balance can look very different; it can include everything from relaxation techniques to exercise to a balanced diet and a hot bath.We would like to introduce you to various activities that can help you regain some relaxation.

One way you can reduce stress is  Endurance sports. Especially the  Exercise in the fresh air  can do you a lot of good, because it can  Stress hormones are reduced. However, you should make sure that you do it with  do not overdo the sport. After all,  High-performance sport can also cause menstrual cycle disorders. As with so many things in life, try to find the happy medium! Sport should be fun first and foremost and not put you under additional pressure.

But there is also a whole range of different techniques that can help you incorporate more relaxation into your everyday life. Try meditation, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga. You don't know much about yoga and would like to know which exercises you can do? Then please read our blog post in which we introduce you to 5 relaxing yoga exercises.
Another way you can regain peace and relaxation is through breathing exercises. Take a look at our blog post and take a few minutes to do the breathing exercise. We promise you: This will help!

However, it doesn't always have to be a relaxation technique. Often, just doing certain activities in your daily life can prove beneficial. So how about relaxing a little by painting or knitting? Perhaps you know other things that you like to do to unwind after a long and stressful day. Talking to someone close to you can also help you reduce your stress levels.
