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Period: breathing exercises for abdominal pain

A period rarely comes alone. At least for most people. Headaches and abdominal pains are particularly noticeable at the beginning of a period. Once the physical pain is there, it is difficult to push it aside. This makes us tense up even more and the discomfort feels even more intense. We cannot magically make the pain go away, but we can direct our attention to something else and, above all, we can breathe! Breathe against the pain! You heard right. Targeted breathing exercises can actively influence physical complaints and especially period pain. Calm and conscious breathing helps to bring calm to the body and mind. This can alleviate period pain.

Can I breathe away abdominal pain?

When we are in pain, our breathing automatically becomes shallower and we pull in our stomach a little. The result: period pain can get even worse. So as soon as Abdominal pain  If you feel that your period is about to start, it can help to take a deep breath. It sounds banal, but you can actually breathe away period pain with certain breathing exercises. The deep breath ensures that your psyche has a moment of relaxation The good thing about this is that it reduces the production of the "stress hormone" cortisol and relaxes tense muscles. In short, your moment of relaxation can look like this: go to a quiet place and close your eyes. Then make sure to breathe slowly into your stomach. Concentrate on the different parts of your body and consciously relax them. You should then observe your breathing for about 5 minutes. If you cannot fully concentrate on it and your thoughts are elsewhere, it can help to count your breaths. Your period pains should slowly but surely disappear.

Abdominal breathing during menstruation

We have already briefly explained to you how you can relax in everyday life when you have period pains and don't have much time. Now we want to explain the exact steps of correct abdominal breathing. The important thing here is: Technology does it. During menstruation, calm breathing into the stomach is very effective. The attention is completely focused on breathing. During abdominal breathing, the abdominal wall rises and falls. This breathing technique relaxes the abdominal area and thus counteracts period pain. Slow and conscious breathing ensures relaxation and brings calm to the body and mind. Incidentally, abdominal breathing is also the breathing we do when we sleep, i.e. when we are relaxed.

And this is how it is done correctly

First, find a quiet and undisturbed place for abdominal breathing. Make sure that disturbing noises and moving images are eliminated if possible and that you are not interrupted or disturbed.

  1. Sit cross-legged or on your heels on the floor, a mat, the couch or your bed. Make sure your posture is straight.

  2. Close your eyes and place your left palm on your heart area and your right hand on the area where the pain is.

  3. First, take a few deep breaths. With each exhalation, try to relax even more.

  4. Your attention is fully devoted to your breathing.

  5. With the next breath, breathe slowly and consciously into your stomach. Feel the cold air flowing into your body through your nose and your stomach rising. Hold your breath there for a few seconds. But don't overdo it.

  6. Then breathe out slowly again and notice how the warm air flows out of your body and your stomach sinks.

  7. Repeat the inhalation and exhalation several times. If necessary, you can also take short breaks in between and continue your normal breathing.

  8. Perform the exercise for at least four minutes. Any sharp pain or discomfort should be avoided during this breathing exercise.

  9. Return to your normal breathing for a few breaths and slowly open your eyes. Feel and enjoy the relaxation you have given yourself.

Don't be discouraged if the exercise doesn't give you the relief you were hoping for the first time. After repeated use, you will notice how your body reacts and relaxes.

Relieve abdominal pain: alternate breathing for relaxation during menstruation

Another method you can use to relieve pain during your period is Alternate breathing . To do this, adopt a relaxed position, preferably while sitting. Then place your thumb on the side of your right nostril and simultaneously touch your forehead with your middle and index fingers. Your ring finger should be on the side of your left nostril. Now close your right nostril with your thumb and breathe in through your left nostril. Then hold your breath briefly. Now you can close your left nostril, then open your right nostril again and breathe out through it. It is best to repeat this breathing exercise once a day. few minutes long and you will notice that it helps you to relax more and relieves your menstrual pain.

Period: What helps quickly against menstrual cramps?

Maybe you find breathing exercises difficult and it takes some time before they provide relief from your menstrual pain. However, we would advise you to keep at it! Of course, there are other  Home remedies that can help you with your symptoms and alleviate them. After all, you may not always want to resort to painkillers.

Tea and essential oils

It's no secret that tea and essential oils can help put an end to your period pain. Chamomile tea, for example, has an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect on menstrual cramps. A true all-rounder.

You can also fight period pain through a targeted diet. Ginger, for example, is said to have a beneficial effect on menstrual cramps. The root of ginger has a positive effect on digestion, which can be disrupted during your period. Ginger can also inhibit the release of prostaglandins and thus relieve cramps during your period. But that's not all: nausea and headaches can also be alleviated by ginger.

Other dietary aids for period pain can include: peppermint or lavender oil and thyme tea.


Heat is also considered a well-known aid for period pain.Whether through a bath or sauna: heat stimulates blood circulation and can relieve tension. Do you already know our  Taynie Heat Belt l ? You can easily use it in everyday life thanks to the integrated hot water bottle and Velcro fastener.


Many people may not feel like exercising during their period. But it is actually the case that exercise can be very important and helpful during this time. During menstruation, blood flow to the uterus is reduced and this can lead to abdominal or back pain. Menstruation can also cause circulatory problems and poor circulation to the hands and feet. Sporting activities can stimulate blood flow, activate the circulation and relax your muscles. In addition, the happiness hormones endorphin, dopamine and serotonin are released. The stress hormone cortisol, on the other hand, is broken down. So you can see that there are many components that can do you good during your period. Of course, you shouldn't overdo it with exercise. So how about yoga for relaxed movements, for example? In our Blog post  We have put together 5 yoga exercises for a relaxed period. 

Relaxed period with Taynie

So you can see that there are many tips for a relaxed and pain-free period. We would recommend that you take a closer look at your Period products What many people don't know: Disposable products such as sanitary pads and tampons often contain chemicals that can harm your health. Read our  Blog post  through.
Our products, on the other hand, are 100% chemical-free, vegan and of course sustainable. With us you will find everything you need for a carefree and relaxed period - be it Period underwear , washable tampons or Bind  and much more. Especially for menstrual problems caused, for example, by Endometriosis  triggered, it can be beneficial to use products that do not need to be inserted.

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