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Lactic acid for healthy vaginal flora

And here we go again: itching, burning or a general feeling of discomfort in the intimate area. These are all symptoms that indicate disturbed vaginal flora You may then reach for the shower gel several times a day in the hope of counteracting the symptoms. However, this is the wrong approach, because excessive intimate hygiene can also cause your vaginal flora to become unbalanced. But what does it actually mean when the vaginal flora becomes unbalanced and what can you do to prevent it? In this blog post, we will explain it to you. 

What does vaginal flora mean?

The term vaginal flora refers to all of the bacteria that are in the vagina. You probably associate something negative with the term “bacteria”, but the bacteria in your vagina are important for maintaining healthy vaginal flora.

The vaginal flora consists of "lactobacilli", also “Lactic acid bacteria” The main job of lactic acid bacteria is to protect the vagina from infections and to keep the sensitive vaginal environment stable. Lactobacilli are rod-shaped bacteria which are responsible for converting the glycogen in the vaginal skin into lactic acid. The lactic acid produced then ensures that the vaginal environment remains in the acidic range (pH value of approx. 3.8 - 4.4). The acidic pH value prevents pathogens from growing. The sex hormone estrogen also plays a role in maintaining healthy vaginal flora. Depending on the phase of the cycle, the estrogen level rises or falls, which means that there are more or fewer lactic acid bacteria in the vagina.

You can imagine a healthy vaginal flora as a well-functioning ecosystem in which all parts work harmoniously with one another. If the balance of the vaginal flora is disturbed, both the vagina and the vulva and bladder are more susceptible to various infections. The vaginal flora can then usually only recover with external support.

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What destroys the vaginal flora?

But what exactly can destroy the vaginal flora? There are various triggers that can cause your vaginal flora to become unbalanced. If the lactic acid bacteria are in the minority, the  PH value and this ensures that the pathogens can no longer be combated. Pathogenic bacteria or fungi see this as an ideal opportunity to spread. The most common causes of a disturbed vaginal flora are the following:

Incorrect intimate hygiene
Both inadequate and excessive intimate hygiene with soaps and the like, which change the pH value of your vagina, can lead to a disturbed vaginal flora. A lot does not always help a lot and it is important to find the middle ground in your intimate hygiene. You can find out why it is enough to wash your vagina daily with lukewarm water in our   Blog post  in addition.


Taking medication, especially antibiotics, can also kill the lactic acid bacteria that your body needs for a healthy vaginal flora. Hormonal contraceptives, such as the pill, can also cause your vaginal flora to become unbalanced.

Weakened immune system
A weakened immune system due to illness and constant stress is often the cause of an imbalance in the vaginal flora. Germs and fungi then have the chance to settle unhindered and bacterial infections can develop as a result.


It is also important to take a look at your diet, because a healthy diet is the basis for a balanced vaginal flora. After all, hormone levels and thus the vaginal environment can become unbalanced due to hormone-laden foods. Therefore, you should stay away from meat and dairy products.A diet rich in carbohydrates and sugar should also be avoided. Also, always make sure you drink enough water, as this can flush out any pathogens.

Toilet visit
When you go to the toilet, you should always wipe yourself from front to back, not the other way around. This will prevent intestinal bacteria from getting into the vagina and disrupting your vaginal flora.

Disturbed vaginal flora: symptoms

You may now be wondering how a disturbed vaginal flora manifests itself. Symptoms include burning or itching in the intimate area. If an unpleasant vaginal odor is noticeable, this is also a warning signal. In addition, yellowish, strong or crumbly discharge is a symptom of a disturbed vaginal flora. You can also find out what healthy discharge looks like in our  Blog post  Painful swelling and redness can also indicate that there is something wrong with your vaginal flora.
The symptoms mentioned can be a sign of a bladder or vaginal infection or a yeast infection. If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your gynecologist. 

What is lactic acid?

As we have already told you, lactic acid is produced by the lactobacilli in the vagina from glycogen. The lactic acid is used to form a stable, acidic pH This acidic property helps to keep the pH value of the vagina at a slightly acidic level in order to inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria, maintain healthy vaginal flora and ultimately prevent vaginal infections. The lactic acid bacteria are therefore the most important component of the vaginal flora.

Is lactic acid good for the intimate area?

So what is lactic acid all about? Is it good for the intimate area? The answer is: Yes, lactic acid can help to bring your vaginal flora back into balance. There are many methods to rebuild the vaginal flora with lactic acid bacteria.

In the pharmacy, for example, you can get various products that contain lactic acid to restore the acidic environment of the vagina. These are probiotics, i.e. substances that contain lactic acid bacteria and displace harmful bacteria. The probiotics can be administered as capsules or as vaginal suppositories.

Certain lactic acid treatments can also help the vaginal flora to regain the slightly acidic level and prevent pathogenic bacteria from spreading. Depending on the frequency and severity of the symptoms, treatment can last for weeks or months. Lactic acid treatments are often used in addition to the administration of antibiotics.  prescribed for prophylaxis to prevent infections caused by an imbalance of the vaginal flora.

Warning: During your research you may have also come across the fact that a tampon soaked in yogurt can help to rebuild the vaginal flora. However, since the bacteria in the vagina and those in milk are not the same, you should probably stay away from this.

And don't worry, bacterial vaginal infections are usually harmless. Pregnant women, however, need to be particularly careful. Ascending infections can be dangerous because they can affect the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Timely and causal treatment is important for all menstruating women in order to maintain their quality of life.

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