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Why does menstruation affect many women??

The interaction of hormones can also cause mood to change depending on the phase of the cycle. Not every girl or woman reacts so sensitively to these hormonal fluctuations, but if you look closely, you can see a certain regularity depending on the cycle.

Women with a natural cycle who know their bodies well can use the ups and downs to their advantage.

The mood in the first half of the cycle differs significantly from the state of mind in the second half of the cycle.

With the  Proper nutrition during the different cycle phases can contribute a lot to your own well-being.

Strong and in a good mood in the first half of the cycle

At the beginning of the cycle, the estrogen level rises and the so-called happiness hormone is released. At the time of ovulation, the hormone reaches its peak, after which the hormone level drops again.

Now most women feel comfortable in their own skin. They work much more effectively, are creative and can concentrate particularly well.

Some researchers even believe that women lose weight more easily in the first half of their cycle because they are at a high point of happiness and pay more attention to themselves and their bodies.

Many women also report an increased libido, which may be due to the fact that they feel more desirable overall.

Shortly before and during ovulation, estrogen levels rise again and sensitive women react to this with a further increase in sexual desire.

From a natural perspective, this increased feeling of desire makes perfect sense, as now is the best time to become pregnant.

The appearance also changes

Studies have shown that appearance also changes shortly before ovulation. Women generally appear more attractive to men during this phase. This attraction also coincides with the perfect time for conception.

Men describe their partner’s face as more beautiful and attractive around ovulation.

It has been proven that the skin is clearer, the face has better blood circulation and the lips are plumper. The pupils and hair also change for the better.

How can women use this hormonal boost to their advantage?

What are the benefits of increased estrogen levels in the first half of the cycle?

· More energy.

· Concentrated work possible.

· More creativity.

· Increased feeling of pleasure.

· More attractive appearance.

· High effectiveness.

· More motivation.

· Good mood.

Since hormones are focused on possible reproduction around ovulation, the increased libido can be useful if you want to get pregnant. The increased attractiveness and the enormous energy boost can also be helpful.

From a professional perspective, increased performance, high concentration levels and a high level of creativity play a role.Therefore, plan important business meetings, presentations and public relations work during this time.

If you want to change something about your body and live a healthier life in general, it is a good idea to start your endeavor in the first half of the cycle. A good mood and high motivation will help you to do more exercise and take better care of your body.

In the second half of the cycle things go downhill

The estrogen level drops and more progesterone is released. This hormone dampens the good mood, many women react with mood swings, are easily irritable, tense and tend to have depressive thoughts.

Some women also experience weight gain and eat more to compensate for the negative feelings.

The increased progesterone is also responsible for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which can manifest itself with headaches, fatigue and abdominal and back pain. 

Slowing down is the order of the day

Do something good for yourself and try to avoid stress. Try to move meetings and deadlines to the first half of the cycle.

Now it is important to clear your head and listen to your body. Wellnessdays , a visit to the beautician or long walks help in this phase.

Researchers confirm a change in brain structure during the female cycle

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig have discovered that the female cycle is linked to changes in the structure of the woman’s brain.

If the estrogen level increases in the first half of the cycle until ovulation, the hippocampus, which is largely responsible for memory, emotions and mood, also grows.

A large hippocampus leads to feelings of happiness and good mood. If the volume of this area of ​​the brain decreases in the second half of the cycle, the mood also deteriorates and self-esteem sinks. In the two weeks after ovulation, some women tend to experience anxiety and become sensitive.

Quick help for mood swings

How women react to the hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle varies greatly from woman to woman. While some women experience really strong mood changes, others remain relatively unaffected by the changes in their hormonal balance.

However, every woman can take preventative measures to protect her body and herself from bad moods and emotional tension.

Sports activities

Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, which have a pain-relieving effect, and the happiness hormones serotonin and dopamine.

Regular exercise ensures physical well-being and mental balance.


In addition to sport, relaxation is also important. Yoga, meditation and autogenic training in particular help to relieve physical ailments and mental stress.

Vitamins and healthy nutrition

Avoiding sugar, alcohol and caffeine can improve your well-being, especially before and during your period.Light food with lots of vitamins and minerals relieves premenstrual symptoms.

As Support during the menstrual cycle Unsweetened herbal teas with anise, fennel and yarrow also help. 


There are many ways to counteract mood swings during menstruation.

Sport, healthy eating and relaxation are just some of them.

Since the symptoms vary in intensity from woman to woman, each woman must find the right measures to alleviate the symptoms. 


Max Planck Society Health trends

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