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Endometriosis – many have it, only a few know it!

Have you ever heard of the disease endometriosis?

Although endometriosis is the second most common gynecological disease, it raises a big question mark in many people’s minds. 8 to 15 percent of all menstruating women are affected by the disease In Germany alone, there are at least 2 million sufferers and yet there is a great deal of ignorance about it. We at Taynie think it is important that endometriosis is no longer a taboo subject and that more information is provided about it, because 1 in 10 menstruating women is affected by it!

But what is behind this complicated term endometriosis?

Maybe you have already asked yourself what endometriosis actually is. Admittedly, it is a very complicated term. Endometriosis is a gynecological disease that causes Cysts, but also inflammations, the so-called endometriosis lesions , can occur. These settle, for example, in the ovaries, the intestines or even the lungs.


The consequence of endometriosis lesions is that the resulting cell residues cannot be excreted from the vagina, resulting in adhesions and inflammation. Those affected suffer Often severe period pain, but apart from that, the pain can also occur throughout the body: for example in the legs, back or even during sexual intercourse. You may now be thinking that the pain only occurs when the affected person is bleeding. However, the pain can also occur independently of the cycle.

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Medical education about endometriosis – missing!

People affected by endometriosis are often not taken seriously. This also explains why most sufferers do not have any treatment from the onset of their first symptoms. to the final diagnosis on average 10.4 years wait. Society often laughs at those affected because there is too little medical education about this disease.


Maybe you have already experienced telling other people about your problems and then only getting the blunt answer “Don’t be so fussy! I also have a stomachache when Idays The gynecologist then only offered you the alleged "miracle cure-all" called the pill.

Unfortunately, there is a gender bias in medicine. This means that the health of cis men receives more attention than, for example, the health of menstruating women. This is precisely why there is so little education about endometriosis.

Finally pain-free menstrual products with our sustainable game changers

We at Taynie offer Menstrual products that do not need to be inserted and can relieve the pain. Since those affected are already suffering from severe pain, we want to relieve them and offer them a sustainable alternative to menstrual cups. 

Please take a look at our website, we offer a wide range of models, each of which is different levels of bleeding were designed and in different sizes are available.

Try it out!

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