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Tiredness during your period

If you unpleasant side effects of menstruation think, then you are probably thinking about the following symptoms: Cramps, headaches and a bloated stomach But have you ever noticed that you are suddenly totally tired during your period? Many menstruating women suffer from severe fatigue and ultimately have less energy for sports and other things that would otherwise be necessary in everyday life.

You want to know why you are so tired during your period are and what can possibly help you ? Then you should definitely read our new blog post. 

Why am I so tired during my period?

Have you ever asked yourself why you incredibly tired during your period In fact, there are various causes that can explain your extreme tiredness. In order to counteract tiredness, it can be very helpful to get to the bottom of the exact cause. That's exactly why we're going to look at the different causes now - maybe you'll find yourself somewhere in there.


Iron deficiency

Tiredness during your period? Most people probably think of a Iron deficiency , which could occur due to blood loss during the period. In fact, Fatigue as a result of iron deficiency However, usually only if you have a really heavy bleeding In addition to tiredness, you can also have a lack of iron through other symptoms, such as Difficulty concentrating, general physical exhaustion and brittle nails as well as hair loss notice.

In case of iron deficiency, it is advisable to take a close look at the Nutrition : Food, such as Legumes and seeds ,  are rich in iron. You should definitely make sure that you Combination with foods rich in vitamin C , How Paprika and parsley  pay attention, because this can lead to increased Iron absorption care for. 



Did you know that the Fatigue during your period with the Hormone balance Fatigue can be caused by Hormonal fluctuations triggered, the due to the period If your Hormone balance drops , then you can use this as Tiredness and exhaustion perceive.


Blood sugar levels

However, fatigue during your period can also be caused by other reasons. The key word here is: blood sugar levels! Especially in the period around menstruation, food cravings candays sordnung.


Poor sleep

Have you ever taken a closer look at your Sleep quality Maybe your tiredness is not primarily related to your period, but also to the fact that you suffer from poor sleep in general. Not only during your period, but also outside of your period, you should pay attention to sufficient sleep Also a regularity when falling asleep and waking up can help you feel more alert in general.Therefore, it is best to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time in the morning. In addition, a good Sleep hygiene the be-all and end-all. But what does that mean? You should avoid electronics in the bedroom as much as possible to avoid electrosmog. This will help your body to relax. 

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How stressful is the period for the body?

The effects of menstruation on the body can vary greatly. In addition to tiredness, which many people find annoying, many people also experience symptoms such as Cramps and headaches . Some menstruating women only have mild menstrual cramps , while in others it is much stronger Did you know that some menstruating women have such severe symptoms that they unable to work This proves that menstruation can be very stressful for the body and limits a person's overall performance. 

Is fatigue a PMS symptom?

You may have noticed that you not only experience pain during your period, but also in the period before it. severe fatigue This is not surprising, because fatigue, along with general exhaustion and headaches, can be among the PMS symptoms Tiredness can therefore be a sign that your period is approaching. Did you also know that premenstrual syndrome as Illness classified? The exhaustion , which you feel in the period before your menstruation, is a symptom this disease , which many menstruating women suffer from. 

What helps against tiredness during your period?

You are probably wondering how you can avoid the recurring closing of your eyes at work when your period is accompanied by the negative accompaniment called fatigue It can actually be quite stressful, especially in everyday life, if you have to keep fighting not to fall asleep at any moment. That is why we have a few useful tips for you, which will hopefully help you.

The most obvious thing you should keep in mind is that you have a regular sleep Because as we have already explained to you, sufficient sleep is important not only during your period, but also outside of it. In addition, a balanced diet, drinking enough water and some exercise good to counteract the annoying tiredness. At Taynie, we know that exercising during your period can be a challenge. This is especially the case when menstruation is accompanied by severe discomfort. However, it is already beneficial if you light movements and sports , such as a Walking or yoga, into your everyday life. You don't know which yoga exercises are suitable here? Then read our Blog post in which we name and explain 5 helpful yoga exercises during your period.

You may be wondering whether tiredness is related to your altered hormone balance that occurs during your period. We would recommend that you contact your gynecologist. They can measure your hormone levels and tell you if there is a hormonal imbalance. 
Or maybe a too low iron level the reason for your lethargy? You can easily have your iron levels checked by your family doctor.  


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