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Coffee and the cycle: How does caffeine affect the cycle?

In the morning, half asleep, the first thing that is often done is to press the button on the coffee machine. “First of all, wake up” is the motto, and for many people, reaching for coffee every day is just the norm. However, it is not just a means to an end, but also a pleasure - be it at work, at home or in a café with friends. But that Coffee and thus caffeine especially before and during the period particular Symptoms worsen can, is not known to many people. Which Influence of coffee on periods why this is so and in which Cycle phase In today's blog post we will explain to you why you should rather stay away from coffee. 

Can coffee affect your period?

Coffee has negative effects both on the physical and mental health Caffeine affects the Gastrointestinal tract , the Nervous and cardiovascular system and the Hormone balance So we can answer the question of whether coffee can affect your period with a clear “yes”. On the whole, the caffeine contained in coffee ensures a Increase in the so-called stress hormone Cortisol. This causes glucose and then insulin to be released into the blood. The consequences are often Blood sugar fluctuations , which both fatigue , Headache as well as Mood swings trigger or these PMS symptoms can even worsen further. 

Excessive stress can also cause your Cycle irregular becomes, Ovulation or menstruation is absent and much more. You can also find out how stress affects your cycle in our Blog post in addition. 

Coffee also acid formed, which attacks your stomach lining. This can also lead to Menstrual cramps and PMS worsened become.

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Coffee consumption during the cycle - tips

For many people it may not even be an option,  To completely eliminate coffee from your daily routine. Because once you get used to something, it is difficult to break the habit. Are you one of those people who do not want to give up coffee completely? Then we have a few Tips for you, with which you can shape your coffee (consumption) so that it has a less strong Influence on your cycle has. 

1. Drink your coffee not on an empty stomach . If you have eaten something before your cup of coffee, it is good for your digestion and for your Blood sugar more beneficial. Both digestion and blood sugar affect your cycle. 

2. Drink your Coffee in the morning In the morning, your cortisol level is already high and then the caffeine contained in coffee can Cortisol level cannot increase much further. 

3. Avoid sugar in your coffee, because it can Hormone balance to confuse. 

4. Pay attention to a moderate coffee consumption The more coffee you drink, the greater the impact it has on your body and cycle.  

In which phase of the cycle should you not drink coffee?

Is there a phase of the cycle in which it is better not to drink any coffee at all?  On Blood sugar fluctuations , which are known to be triggered by caffeine, are particularly sensitive to menstruating women. This is because insulin sensitivity is particularly high during menstruation. Luteal phase of the cycle is lower.This lower Insulin sensitivity through the increased progesterone levels during this time. Drinking coffee is especially not recommended during the luteal phase. You may now be wondering when the luteal phase actually takes place. The luteal phase includes the second half of your menstrual cycle . This means it lasts from ovulation until the start of your period.

Should you drink coffee during your period?

Above all before and during your period Because of the caffeine it contains, you should do not reach for a cup of coffee . But not only coffee contains caffeine, but also cola or energy drinks. Even though these drinks usually contain less caffeine per 100 ml than coffee, this is still not beneficial for your body. You should know that caffeine Inhibit iron absorption from your food This is also very disadvantageous, especially during your period, when you lose blood. We therefore recommend that you Water or unsweetened herbal teas In general, especially during your period, you should avoid adequate fluid intake We have explained why this is the case in a Blog post summarized.  

Coffee and cycle: caffeine-free alternatives

You don't want to give up the taste of coffee completely? Don't worry, we have a solution for you and it is: decaffeinated coffee. Decaffeinated coffee is  much better for your cycle as it does not contain caffeine.

Also Lupine coffee can be a good coffee substitute. It tastes very similar to normal coffee - and without any caffeine. It is produced from lupin seeds , which are also super high in protein are. 

Other delicious warm drinks that are easy to prepare and do not contain caffeine are the so-called “ Golden milk " or Chai Latte

Golden milk

To do this, puree 4 pitted dates, a piece of ginger, 1 tablespoon of coconut butter, some cinnamon, turmeric and pepper and 200 ml of water using a blender. You can of course also heat plant-based milk instead of water. 

Chai Latte

You can find various chai blends in the supermarket. However, you should make sure to choose a Blend without black tea because it contains caffeine. A dash of milk, whether plant-based or not, makes your winter chai latte perfect. :) 

Is coffee bad for period pain?

Different habits can PMS and period pain worsen - so also the daily coffee consumption But caffeine is not the only culprit when it comes to menstrual cycle-related complaints. Other Diet or lifestyle habits However, if you are a coffee lover, we would recommend that you focus on this first. However, every person reacts differently to caffeine. Whether it makes sense for you to cut out coffee completely or to change or reduce your coffee consumption is something you have to find out for yourself.However, the fact is that there is a It can make a difference whether and how you incorporate coffee into your daily routine So try out our tips and then you can see for yourself how coffee affects your body and whether your period pain or PMS has changed positively by optimizing your coffee consumption.

Little tip: Period pain also helps warmth , because they antispasmodic works. But not only abdominal pain is a problem for many during the period, but also back pain. Our Taynie Heat belt can help you with both abdominal and back pain. Thanks to the integrated hot water bottle and the Velcro fastener, you can use it exactly where it hurts without it slipping. 

Reading tips for you
