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Disturbed vaginal flora: causes, symptoms and solutions

Itching and burning in the intimate area and smelly discharge? Nobody wants to have that! Nevertheless, it can happen that these unpleasant symptoms occur. This often happens in the course of a disturbed vaginal flora . You are now wondering what is actually meant by the Vaginal flora is understood and on the basis of which Causes it gets out of balance? Then you should definitely read our new blog post. Here we tell you the Symptoms and treatment options for a disturbed vaginal flora . In addition, we explain why it is better for your Vaginal flora can be if you are on the go during your period sustainable products instead of conventional disposable products. 

What is the vaginal flora?

Have you just come across the term Vaginal flora and didn't really know what it actually meant? No problem, we'll explain to you now what it means.

Maybe you have heard that the vagina is a acidic environment has, so a pH value below 4.5 . This acidic environment can be achieved by a intact vaginal flora However, there are some things that can affect the acidic environment of Can disrupt vaginal flora . The Causes are for example Medicines such as the contraceptive pill , but also Antibiotics and hormonal fluctuations that can occur due to menstruation or pregnancy.

Did you know that the vagina Microorganisms that have an important function? Their function is to Defense system against infections and other germs So you can see that a healthy vaginal flora It is important that, for example, Bacteria and fungi from entering the vagina. The vaginal flora contains Lactic acid bacteria , which are for the Pathogen defense are responsible. The Lactic acid bacteria are through the Sex hormone estrogen However, if a Lack of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, then as a result a disturbed vaginal flora

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How do I know that the vaginal flora is disturbed?

You are probably wondering what warning signals you can use to recognize that your Vaginal flora out of balance For this reason, we have put together the most important Symptoms listed in connection with a disturbed vaginal flora  can arise:

  • itching
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Burn
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Swollen labia
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Abdominal pain

It is important that these symptoms are checked by a doctor so that a diagnosis can be made. 

What to do if the vaginal flora is disturbed?

If you notice that the above Symptoms or at least some of them apply to you, it is advisable to clarify medically The first step should therefore be to go to the Gynecologist or to the gynecologist because your symptoms could also be a sexually transmitted disease Many people try to treat the symptoms that occur during disturbed vaginal flora can arise, with a excessive care of the intimate area But this is exactly what often leads to a Worsening of existing symptoms .

How do I get my disturbed vaginal flora back into balance?

But how can you disturbed vaginal flora back to balance First of all, you have a healthy vaginal flora , if the pH value at 3.8 or 4.4 That is exactly why you should Wash intimate area only with lukewarm water , because shower gels and soaps often do not match the pH value of the vaginal flora. In addition, you should avoid rinsing your vagina. If you want to know more about a appropriate intimate care want to know, then you will get here to our blog post about this topic.

At the Bowel movement it is important that you pay attention never wipe from your anus to your vagina , because this could bacteria get into your vagina.

If you Sexual intercourse you should definitely the use of a condom pay attention, because the PH value the vagina can be Sperm Sperm has a different pH value than the vaginal flora; it is basic and not sour. Condoms also protect you from sexually transmitted diseases , which can also lead to a disturbed vaginal flora. You want to know more about sexually transmitted diseases know? Then you can here read our blog post about it.

Did you also know that one of the most common causes for the development of infections in the intimate area Swimming pools are these chlorinated water is very aggressive for the Vaginal environment The same applies to Disposable period products , How Panty liners, tampons and sanitary pads . These are often bleached with chlorine or contain fragrances that damage the vaginal flora. Therefore, it is recommended to wear sustainable menstrual products . Our tip: Access during your period Period panties back. Our Taynnies do not contain chlorine, biocides or other harmful substances and are therefore more compatible with the vaginal flora. 

Nutrition and vaginal flora

Have you ever heard that you Influence your vaginal flora with your diet That is actually true. There are foods that can help acidic environment your vagina, as well as those that can promote imbalance.

First of all, we can tell you that a healthy vaginal flora by recording Vitamins and minerals , which are taken in through the diet. This promote the formation of lactic acid bacteria . Especially the V itamines A, C, D, E and beta-carotene , as well as Zinc and calcium seem to be good for an intact vaginal flora. Through a Lack of nutrients and a diet that is primarily made up of unhealthy fats and lots of sugar is characterized, it can lead to a disturbed vaginal flora In addition,  fermented products , such as sauerkraut , are particularly helpful in maintaining a healthy vaginal flora, because these foods contain many lactic acid bacteria

Aids for the development and maintenance of the vaginal flora

One healthy vaginal flora can be rebuilt by acidic environment the vagina. This can Lactobacilli be very helpful. Aids such as suppositories for the vagina or capsules should be checked by a doctor. Otherwise, it is useful if you try something relaxation into your everyday life. stress affects not only your psyche, but also your period . Find out here more about the Relationship between stress and menstruation .Because did you know that Stress can unbalance the environment of your vagina can?

In addition, you should rather use underpants that are made of Cotton exist, because these are essential breathable than briefs made of synthetic materials. This will prevent excessive sweating. You can also wear cotton underwear wash at 60 degrees , which is especially helpful if you have an infection. Our Taynie Briefs are by the way all washable at 60 degrees so that the germs are killed during the wash cycle. 

Reading tips for you
