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How does the body react to an abortion?

The subject of abortion is emotionally charged and is unfortunately still seen as a taboo in our society. It is often said that an abortion can cause psychological suffering for those affected. But are there also effects on the body? There are often various myths circulating that make those affected afraid that an abortion can cause physical damage. That is why we at Taynie are taking a closer look at the effects of an abortion on the body today. We would also like to address familiar questions that keep cropping up in people's minds when it comes to this topic. So get ready for us to take a closer look at questions like: "Am I still fertile after an abortion?" or "Can my doctor see if I've had an abortion?" 

How long does the hormonal change take after an abortion?

Have you ever wondered how long it can take for the Hormones after an abortion? We can give you the green light, because the unwanted symptoms that can occur during pregnancy disappear quickly after an abortion. In fact, the blood levels of the pregnancy hormone are halved every 2 days. Are you wondering what exactly that means? It means that the symptoms disappear approximately after 2-3 weeks will have passed. But of course this can vary from pregnancy to pregnancy. 

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Can the doctor see that I had an abortion?

You have had an abortion and are now worried about whether your doctor can see that you have had an abortion? No need to worry, because it is not visible that you had an abortion. A surgical abortion, for example, leaves no traces on your uterus. So you don't have to worry that your abortion can be "proven". It is therefore entirely up to you whether and to whom you want to confide that you had an abortion. 

What happens to the uterus after an abortion?

Would you like to know what actually happens to your uterus after you have an abortion? To do this, we should first take a look at what exactly happens during the actual procedure.

A pregnancy can be achieved either by the intervention of a operational Curettage of the uterus or via a medicinal Away with the so-called "abortion pill". During the surgical procedure, surgical suction can also be used, in which the contents of the uterus are removed via the cervix. If, however, a medical abortion is carried out instead, then taking the abortion pill triggers a contraction of the uterus, which then causes the uterine contents to be expelled. When it comes to deciding whether to take the medical abortion pill or the surgical option, this can also depend on which stage of the pregnancy the person concerned is in. You can find out what is best for you during a gynecological consultation.

You may be wondering if the surgery could injure your uterus. However, this is extremely rare, about one in 1,000 abortions. Another very rare occurrence is scarring of the uterine lining.

If a surgical abortion has been performed, the uterus will contract. Those affected may rarely feel slight pain or a pulling sensation. You have probably heard that an ultrasound scan is performed after an abortion to check whether it was successful. This is done immediately after the surgical abortion to confirm that the operation was successful and that the uterine cavity is empty. Another ultrasound scan can also be performed later.

Since the pregnancy is over after a successful abortion, a cycle begins again. You can then expect your period after 4-6 weeks. This also means that you will ovulate about 2 weeks after your abortion. It is important to note that contraception should be used. After all, pregnancy is possible immediately after an abortion because the cycle is back on track. Do you want hormone-free contraception, but you are not yet familiar with the different options? Then it is definitely worth taking a look at our Blog post on this topic. Your gynecologist can also explain to you during a consultation what contraceptive options are available to you. 

What should I not do after an abortion?

Have you ever wondered if there are things that should be avoided after an abortion? There are indeed such things and that is why we want to take a closer look at the rules of conduct that apply after an abortion. Be careful with Tampons ! These should be avoided after an abortion. However, since you will bleed after an abortion, you will need an alternative to collect this blood. Just like with your normal period, our sustainable Period panties or washable pads . So be sure to check here  our sustainable game changers for periods.

To minimize complications, after an abortion, you should also Sexual intercourse Bathing or swimming is also taboo, but you can still shower. These regulations apply for about 2-3 weeks after an abortion, but your doctor or gynaecologist will advise you.Your doctor will explain this to you in more detail during a consultation.

How long am I not allowed to work after an abortion?

Here you decide: the recovery process after an abortion can be individual and therefore you should keep an eye on both your physical and mental condition when deciding when you can go back to work. Maybe you feel some pain and would prefer to stay at home. Especially for jobs that involve physically demanding work, it is advisable to avoid this for the time being. somedays However, things may be different if you do most of your work sitting down and, for example, you are not in pain. Consulting your doctor can also help with this. 

Am I fertile after an abortion?

You have had an abortion and want to become pregnant again - is that even possible? We can give you a quick and concise answer: Yes , you can get pregnant again after an abortion! The myth surrounding abortion and infertility is particularly prevalent among people who are against abortion. Did you know that you can get pregnant again around 3 weeks after an abortion (keyword: contraception is important here)? And your period also starts again after an abortion, as we explained above. This means that neither medical abortion causes damage to the reproductive organs by taking the abortion pill, nor does an instrumental or surgical abortion have a negative effect on the uterus. On the other hand, a pregnancy that follows an abortion can be accompanied by complications. In the case of particularly serious infections caused by an abortion, a so-called hysterectomy can be necessary - in other words, the uterus has to be removed. Conversely, this of course means that you will not be able to get pregnant in the future. Hysterectomies due to complications resulting from an abortion are, however, rare, whereas they may be more common in childbirth. 

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