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How nutrition can influence the cycle

“You are what you eat" - you have certainly heard this saying before. The fact that the Nutrition You are certainly aware that diet can have a huge impact on both physical and mental health. But have you ever thought about how your diet can change your cycle? In today's article, we want to take a closer look at the extent to which diet can influence your cycle, which foods are particularly useful in which phases of your cycle, and which eating habits you should avoid. 

What can influence the cycle (besides diet)?

You have probably heard that there are some things that Influence menstrual cycle You may have noticed that your cycle has suddenly become a little messed up when your usual routines in everyday life have changed. Before we go into more detail about diet, which can have a big influence on your cycle, we would like to inform you about other factors that could be related to the fact that your cycle may change.

For example,  Cycle fluctuations can occur because you are under a lot of stress, suffer from jet lag or generally do not sleep enough. If your cycle fluctuates, it is advisable to take a close look at possible stress factors and your sleeping habits. Heavy smoking can also cause your cycle to be different to what you are used to. In fact, it can also be that there is a health problem and this is the cause of your cycle fluctuations. Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS, is particularly noteworthy here. It can also be associated with the disease Endometriosis Did you know that infections such as chlamydia can also cause cycle disorders? This can also occur due to certain medications or the use of contraceptives such as the pill or IUD.

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Can diet affect your period?

So, remember this: There are a few things that can affect your cycle - both positively and negatively.This also includes nutrition. A healthy diet can ultimately have a positive effect on your cycle. Things can be different if you neglect a healthy diet, as this can lead to cycle disorders, which we will discuss in more detail later.

In fact, it can be very useful to consider a diet that is appropriate for your cycle. This can help you, for example, to relieve your menstrual cramps.  However, you should remember that your cycle is divided into four different phases  and therefore your diet should be adapted to this. We will go into these phases in more detail and explain to you the appropriate diet for these.

Which foods influence the cycle?

You are probably wondering which foods you can use to influence your cycle. In general, people with hormonal fluctuations should make sure that they  enough Vegetables, fruit and Water and reduce your consumption of processed foods and meat. But we will now explain to you exactly how the phases of your cycle are divided.

Menstrual phase

So let’s start with the menstrual phase. In this phase, you can support your cycle particularly well by unsaturated fatty acids , for example olive oil and nuts. Other useful aids are Vitamin A , which is found in vegetables such as  Carrots and fruit in apricots, but also magnesium, which is found in pumpkin seeds and  Wheat bran is present. Vitamin C Rich foods such as peppers and broccoli are beneficial. As you might have already guessed, the Iron requirements during bleeding. Iron-rich foods such as oatmeal and lentils can be a good help. If you are a heavy bleeder, your iron deficiency can be particularly severe. Speaking of heavy bleeders: Take a look at our ultra collection, which is ideal for heavy bleeders. So if you are tired of sudden leakage, then you should here Check out our products for heavy bleeding.

Follicular phase

You have now survived the menstrual phase and are now in the so-called follicular phase. Your body works according to the following motto: As much energy as possible is needed to rebuild the uterine lining after the bleeding. Your diet should now consist of Protein sources, whole grains and vegetables So feel free to reach for pulses, vegetables of all kinds and grains such as spelt.

Ovulation phase

In the next phase, the ovulation phase, when ovulation is imminent, the diet should be particularly Dietary fiber and foods with many Antioxidants Here too, legumes are the right choice, but spinach and berries can also be a useful supplement.

Luteal phase

The ovulation phase is over and the luteal phase begins. You may experience increased cravings and an increased appetite during this phase. PMS may also occur during this phase. Make sure your diet includes enough Vitamin B and magnesium .Calcium can also be a real help with PMS. So feel free to reach for green vegetables, grains and legumes. 

Diet that negatively affects your cycle

You are probably wondering whether there are foods that can have a negative impact on your cycle. In fact, there are some foods that should be taboo. Unfortunately, this also includes Coffee , which is probably a daily companion for many people in  everyday working life. In addition to its wake-up function, caffeine can also constrict the body's blood vessels. This can then also affect the uterus. This possibly poorer blood circulation can consequently also trigger unpleasant pains such as menstrual cramps.

Alcohol should also be avoided. This can also make menstrual cramps worse, so that headaches can occur in addition to cramps. Alcohol consumption can actually have an impact on hormone levels and change the length of your cycle. Instead of caffeinated drinks and alcohol, you should drink enough water to do not only your cycle but also your overall health a favor. Are you now wondering how much water you should drink per day? On average, you should drink 1.5 liters of water per day. However, this can vary: for example, if you do a lot of sport, you need more fluids.

Foods such as eggs, meat and dairy products can also lead to an increase in menstrual pain. This is because such foods are rich in arachidonic acid, which can consequently lead to cramps. If you suffer from spots or acne, then it is advisable to reduce your sugar consumption. This is because sugar leads to an increase in insulin in the blood and this can lead to an increased production of testosterone. In addition to sugar, cow's milk can also be the culprit for bad skin. So how about trying plant-based milk alternatives?

Can your period stop due to changes in diet?

For example, weight and the associated body fat percentage play an important role in a functioning cycle. Menstruating people with a normal amount of fat in their body usually have a regular cycle. A body fat percentage that is too low, on the other hand, can lead to the cycle becoming irregular and the period may even stop completely. In fact, being underweight can also lead to menstruating people becoming infertile. If the fat percentage is too low, it may be that not enough hormones are produced that are necessary for ovulation. Too much exercise and too little calorie intake can have the unpleasant consequence that more stress hormones are released, while the hormones that are crucial for the cycle remain low. To protect itself, the body tries to rule out pregnancy during such stressful times, as this would place too great a strain on the body. 

So you can see that it is very important for your cycle and body that you eat enough, don't skip meals and don't overdo it with exercise. Sometimes those affected can be confused by the fact that their period doesn't come and they don't seem to be healthy, even though they eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and don't neglect exercise.However, it is important that you do not create a calorie deficit and that you also eat foods with healthy fats, for example. If you would like to find out more about missing your period, we recommend taking a look at our blog post on this topic. Here you can get there.

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