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Periods throughout life: duration, first period and menopause

The period as a constant companion through life? It is true that periods can sometimes seem endless, especially when unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain are added. But menstruation does not last forever - and is not there from birth either. Rather, periods are a process that begins with puberty and ends with menopause. In this context, have you ever asked yourself how long menstruation actually accompanies you in your life? Then you have come to the right place with our new blog post. Let's take a look at the course of periods in a person's life and answer the exciting question of how many Cycles a menstruating person has in total until menopause occurs. 

Menstrual cycle: duration

Menstruating people bleed about once a month. However, it can be different if a menstruating person is already in menopause or is pregnant.
Here’s what you can remember: A Menstrual cycle always begins on the first day of the new menstrual period and lasts on average between 24 and 38days n. Very few people have the “ideal” 28days cycle. And that is not a bad thing, because a fewdays more or less are still within the normal range.

Did you also know that as many as 20 percent of all menstruating women have irregular cycles? These are unusually long or short menstrual cycles that deviate from the normal duration of between 24 and 38days n. Later we will explain in more detail why such irregularities can occur, especially in connection with the first onset of your period. 

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How many menstrual cycles does a menstruating person have?

But how many menstrual cycles does a menstruating person actually have? Of course, every menstruating person has an individual experience of the cycles in their life. Nevertheless, there is a statistical value that says that people in about 500 times can expect to have their period in their lifetime. You may be as astonished by this number as we are. What is particularly astonishing about it, however, is the fact that 500 cycles in the life of a menstruating person creates quite a lot of waste. Now for more on that.

Periods and waste: How many tampons and sanitary pads does a menstruating person use?

Have you ever heard that menstruating women use around 17,000 sanitary pads or tampons in their lifetime? You can certainly imagine that just one menstruating person would create a whole mountain of waste.At Taynie, we place great importance on sustainability and that is why it is particularly important to us to reduce the mountains of waste caused by disposable period products such as sanitary pads and tampons. Our sustainable period products are reusable because they can be easily washed after use - at up to 60 degrees.

Another point: With 500 cycles in your life, you have to dig deep into your wallet to catch your bleeding. So if you want to do not only the environment but also your wallet a favor, then it makes sense to switch to reusable products. Otherwise, your period can quickly cost a fortune. So how about washable tampons or period underwear? Here you can access our product range and see for yourself. 

How many years does it take for periods to become regular?

Have you ever wondered how menstruation actually begins in the life of a menstruating person? You may already know from your own experience with the onset of your period that there is usually no regular cycle at the beginning. The first period of a menstruating person usually occurs between the ages of 10 and 16. So you can see that this is a broad time span. The year in which the first menstruation begins can therefore vary from person to person. After all, every body is different.

In adolescents, it can even take several years for periods to become regular. This means that menstruation can always start at different times and each cycle can be different from what you may have been used to from the previous menstrual cycle. Unlike the cycle of an adult, adolescents have an average menstrual cycle of about 21 to 45days n During puberty, ovulation will become regular and your period will no longer be unpredictable. In fact, you may start having regular bleeding two years after your first period.

Speaking of their first period: Many young people resort to sanitary pads when they have their period because they feel uncomfortable with products that have to be inserted. But even disposable sanitary pads create waste that is bad for the environment. Disposable products also often contain chemicals that are harmful to health. But did you know that we at Taynie offer washable sanitary pads that are 100% free of biocides? These are also ideal for young people who are having their first period. Check out our various washable pads here out of. 

At what age does the period stop?

Just like the menstruation of adays s starts, it will eventually end again. The key word here is quite clear: Menopause ! You're probably already familiar with the term and have heard a few things about it here and there. But let's take a closer look at it now.

As we have already explained, periods can be quite confusing in the first few years of puberty. But eventually, hormonal balance will settle down and menstruation will become regular. Things will get more confusing during the so-called menopause. The recurring and new adjustment of hormones will also cause cycles to change.These can be particularly long or shorter. Premenopauses often occur during the menopause, which are characterized by heavier periods and shorter cycles overall. In the next phase, known as perimenopause, ovulations occur less and less frequently. So the menopause causes chaos in the body just like the first period.

The last period in the life of menstruating women usually occurs at the age of 50 to 52 years When the last period comes, the so-called menopause begins. If this was 12 months ago, then it can be said with certainty that the body is in menopause.

How does the last period announce itself?

Have you ever wondered how the last menstruation That is understandable, because you would like to be informed about possible signs beforehand, so that you are not surprised by it out of nowhere. When the new phase of life, the menopause, makes itself felt, then some annoying symptoms can also accompany it. One of the most well-known Symptoms that can occur during menopause are certainly hot flashes. You have probably heard of them before. But not only hot flashes can suddenly appear on thedays order, but also mood swings, more severe premenstrual symptoms or the period irregularities described above.

However, there are some helpful tips to help you deal with the menopause more comfortably. One thing that may be difficult for you at the beginning is to accept that you are now in this phase and should accept this process. In order to find relaxation, you could try out various methods to help you. We have here For example, a blog post that tells you about relaxing yoga exercises, which can also be useful for menstrual cramps. Adays book that can record the symptoms you are experiencing. However, if you are suffering from very severe and unpleasant symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical advice. So it is better to play it safe. 

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