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This is how a menstrual cup works

A “cup” that catches menstrual blood? That sounds strange at first.

In the media Menstrual cups has been made public for some time. But honestly: Did you also stumble across the term and didn't really know what it was all about? After all, using this menstrual product seems a bit complicated at first. However, many menstruating women, seized by curiosity, dare to try it, because the sustainable aspect the Tampon alternative is very tempting.

In this blog post we want to give you more clarity about Menstrual cups You will learn how to use them and can then decide for yourself whether the hype about them is justified for you. In addition, we have practical tips It is worth reading the article to the end, because there you will find a Surprise We can tell you this much: We have a new Taynie product for your period!

For whom are menstrual cups (not) suitable?

If you are faced with the decision to make a Menstrual cup to try, you are probably wondering whether it is also suitable for you. Although Menstrual cups are currently very popular, but that does not mean that they are suitable for everyone. After all, the choice of Period products , as with so many things in life, a very individual decision.

Menstrual cup: Young menstruating women

When your period has started for the first time and young menstruating women initially only with Bind It may be that the vaginal opening is still too narrow for Menstrual cups In addition, young people tend to use products that do not need to be inserted into the vagina when they first start bleeding. However, you still want to sustainable alternative during your period? Then take a look here our Period underwear to the especially for teens Are you looking for more tips for your first period? Then you should definitely check out our Blog post read about it.

Menstrual cup and vaginal infection: 

Absolute menstrual cup taboo applies if you have a Infection in the genital area have. A Vaginal infection You can usually recognize it by typical symptoms such as itching and burning or yellowish and green discharge, which is accompanied by an unpleasant smell. Here, too, Period underwear or washable pads Did you know that all Taynie Products at up to 60 degrees are washable? If you are suffering from Vaginal infection then this is the perfect Washing temperature of your products. 

Find the right menstrual cup for you!

Menstrual cup and contraceptive coil: 

Menstrual cup and coil - this combination can cause discomfort for many people. Many assume that removing the menstrual cup can cause the IUD to be pulled out at the same time.

But is this concern justified? To avoid contact with the coil, you should Inserting and removing your menstrual cup Make sure that the removal thread of your IUD is not in your way. In fact, the thread of the IUD can get caught between your cup and the vaginal wall. How can you avoid this? Simply run your finger around your menstrual cup and check whether you can feel the thread.

If this still makes you feel unwell, then use the other sustainable companions: Period underwear , Cotton tampons or washable pads .

How do I insert a menstrual cup?

Before you dare to Cup for the first time, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. A little tip from us: Moisten your menstrual cup with warm water - this makes it easier for you Introduce .

Next comes the part that can initially raise a question mark in the mind of many menstruating women. It is the different folding techniques of menstrual cups. The Folding techniques are essential for inserting your cup into your vagina in the best possible way. In its unfolded fullness and splendor, the cup would probably not fit into your vagina at all. The different folding techniques are mostly in the Instructions for menstrual cups To check if your cup is fully unfolded, you can run your finger around it once.

How do I remove the menstrual cup?

The menstrual cup is in your vagina - that's all well and good. But now comes the tricky part at first, because you have to get the good piece out of your vagina again. At the beginning it may take a little longer, but over time you will get used to it more and more and will ultimately be able to remove your cup in record time.

Before you start, you should Wash hands again with soap and water to prevent bacteria from entering your genital area.

Next, you should position choose one that feels comfortable for you. Whether sitting, lying or squatting : The motto here is again that this can be very individual and you should listen to what feels good for you.

Once you have found a comfortable position, you can begin. First, try to orientate yourself on the stem of the cup, but don't pull on it. You can't feel the stem or the cup? No need to panic! Just take your Pelvic floor muscles to help by tense and press lightly This will allow you to make sure that your cup moves downwards as desired. In the next step, you have to Release the vacuum in the cup , otherwise you won't be able to get it out of your vagina. To do this, simply press a little into the bottom of your menstrual cup and wiggle it from side to side.

Now all you have to do is make sure that you hold the cup upright while you remove it completely from your vagina. This way you won't spill anything when you remove it.

Changing the menstrual cup: How long can I wear the menstrual cup?

You should use your cup Change after 8-10 hours at the latest. You have probably heard of the so-called Toxic shock syndrome, short TSS , belongs to. The risk of getting a toxic shock can increase with the use of products that are inserted (eg tampons and menstrual cups). Therefore, it is important that you Change and clean the cup regularly, so that no breeding ground for germs can form.

How do I know when the menstrual cup is full?

Once your menstrual cup is in place, you won't even feel it anymore. Do you suddenly feel a slight pressure or does your cup slip around and feel heavy? Then that could be a sign that you should change it. Menstruating women with heavy bleeding in particular need to change their menstrual cup more often. Many users also use additionally on period underwear as a back-up to always have a dry and safe feeling in everyday life. Here you will find period underwear, which is a must-have for heavy bleeding.

Can I go to the toilet normally with the menstrual cup?

If your cup fits correctly, you can go to the toilet as normal. It only becomes a problem if the cup doesn't fit correctly. In that case, it may press on your urethra and you may not be able to urinate properly.

How do I clean the menstrual cup (on the go)?

Going to the toilet is a good time to empty and clean your menstrual cup. This way, as mentioned, you can reduce the risk of TSS Once you have removed and emptied your menstrual cup, you can easily wash it at the sink rinse with water. A sink is therefore essential for cleaning menstrual cups.

This could pose a problem: Public toilets almost never have a sink in the toilet cubicle. However, some menstruating women feel uncomfortable washing their bloody cup in front of other people. That is why we have a Tip for you: Have a bottle filled with water with you so that you can clean your cup in the toilet while you are on the go. 

How do I boil my menstrual cup?

Boiling menstrual cups? This may sound strange, but this process allows you to free from bacteria and germs to get. The correct hygiene of menstrual cups is the be-all and end-all!

This process is always at the end of your period carried out so that when your next period starts, you a hygienic cup at your disposal.

You have your Menstrual cup just bought ? Then you should first Rinse with cold water and then boil for 20 minutes .

There are two options How to boil your cup:

1. Simply place your menstrual cup for Place in a pot of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Tip: Put it in a whisk. This will prevent too much heat from the bottom of the pot from reaching your menstrual cup.

2. Alternatively, you can Option 2 and place your cup in a Sterilization cup To do this, you need to fill the cup with water up to just below the rim and then put the lid on. The lid should not completely cover the cup so that the steam can escape. The cup should then be 3-5 minutes in the microwave Attention: The water must boil , otherwise your cup will not be sterilized!

Now new: The Taynie menstrual cup

Attention all menstrual cup lovers! From now on there is a Menstrual cup by Taynie . We have thus expanded our repertoire of sustainable game changers. Especially for our Heavy Bleeder The menstrual cup is a suitable achievement, because it is ideal as Backup with panties from our Ultra Collection

Our menstrual cup is also available in different sizes , so there is the perfect size for everyone. You are not sure which size is right for you? Then take a look at the Product description , because we have you helpful tips compiled.

Reading tips for you
