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Cold feet: causes and tips

You lie in bed in the evening, but your feet just don't want to get warm and feel like blocks of ice? Whether in summer or winter - cold feet are not seasonal. 
It is a problem that women are more likely to struggle with than men and which can have subsequent health effects. Cold feet, for example, can lead to various diseases in the mouth, nose and throat, bladder infections and vaginal infections. 
Which Causes In this blog post you will find out what could be behind cold feet and how you can keep your feet as warm as possible.

What causes cold feet?

You're probably wondering why your limbs, like your feet, get cold in the first place. In order for all your organs to function properly, your body needs to maintain a constant temperature of around 36 degrees. This function becomes more difficult when temperatures drop below zero in winter. In order to provide the vital organs with enough warmth, your body eventually lowers the temperature of your limbs, and cold hands and feet become noticeable. 
However, cold feet are not just a winter problem, but can occur all year round. Often there are other causes. But what are the causes of cold feet? This question cannot be answered in general terms, because there is a whole range of possible triggers. These can be simply wetness, sweaty feet, shoes that are too tight, stress or vitamin deficiency. Various diseases, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, low blood pressure or anemia can also cause cold feet. You have certainly heard of endometriosis. Frequent freezing and ice-cold feet can also be caused by this disease. If you would like to find out more about endometriosis, you should definitely read our Blog post on the subject. If cold feet are not uncommon for you and occur more frequently in warm temperatures, we would recommend that you have it checked by your GP. 

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Why do menstruating people get cold feet more quickly?

Eight out of ten menstruating people often have cold feet. But why is that? Cold feet are caused by, among other things, the body's heat balance and the ratio of surface area to mass. The body of many menstruating people is only about 20 percent muscle, which means that little energy is generated. The body concentrates heat in the middle of the body. Exactly where most of the vital organs are located. In order to provide comfortable temperatures for the organs, the body accepts that the arms, feet, ears and nose receive less blood and therefore cool down. Menstruating people quickly notice this in their hands and feet. Since the middle of the body is supposed to stay warm, the veins in the feet can quickly constrict in cold weather.

Cold feet before and during your period

Many menstruating people complain that they feel cold more often before or during their period than usual. This also affects the feet and it feels as if they have suddenly turned into icicles. But what is the reason for this? If your period is often very heavy, this can cause an iron deficiency. The result: freezing, especially during your period. You should then compensate for the iron deficiency by eating foods that are particularly rich in iron (e.g. nuts). 

Before and during your period, your hormone levels also fluctuate. These fluctuations in your hormone levels can make you feel cold and therefore cause cold feet. 
As we explained above, stress can also be the cause of cold feet. Many menstruating people report that they sleep worse during their period, for example due to period pain. Poor sleep and overtiredness can increase stress levels, which brings us back to cold feet. 

What helps against cold feet?

Promote blood circulation 

Do you have cold feet again? Regular exercise can help. When you exercise, the mitochondria produce more energy, which warms your feet. In addition, the blood supply is stimulated by the strain on the foot and calf muscles. The blood vessels expand and the body pumps more blood to your feet. As soon as you notice that your toes are getting cold, you should start moving.

To improve blood circulation in your feet, you can also massage the soles of your feet with a roller or spiky ball. Roll the ball back and forth from the middle of your heel to your toes for ten minutes every day. 

In addition, a foot bath can warm cold feet for a long time. Foot baths have a relaxing effect and stimulate circulation. Use warm water and mix it with rosemary and arnica. These herbs also promote circulation. 

Proper footwear 

When you are exposed to low temperatures, the blood vessels in your limbs constrict and the blood supply becomes insufficient. This is not necessarily harmful to your health, but it is uncomfortable. Cold outside temperatures encourage icy toes and if there is additional moisture, the skin cools down even faster. So choose waterproof shoes to keep your feet dry.

In addition, your shoes should not be too tight, as this will constrict the blood vessels and reduce blood flow, which can lead to cold feet. Your footwear should therefore not only be sturdy and waterproof, but above all comfortable.

Warm socks 

Socks are another important factor in avoiding cold feet. Our tip: Wear cotton socks, which give your feet extra warmth. Synthetic fibers can make your feet sweat, which is why you should avoid them if possible. 
Do you already know our Taynie socks? These are made of 100% breathable organic cotton and protect your feet from excessive sweating in summer. Whether long or short, on our website you will find the right model for you. 

Adequate fluid intake 

It's no secret that you should drink enough every day, but it's difficult for some people to implement. After all, many people aren't aware of the consequences of not drinking enough fluids: people who don't drink enough usually have thick blood and therefore restricted circulation.
Especially during menstruation, 1.5 l to 2 l of water should be consumed daily at thedays You can find out why this is the case in our Blog post .

Cold feet: consequences

Cold feet and freezing can harm your health by inhibiting the immune system. This works more effectively when it is warm. The body is supplied with blood and vital nutrients via an extensive vascular system. Blood circulation ensures the exchange of heat between different parts of the body. Wet feet, for example, cool the blood that flows through them. This allows the cooled blood to travel through the circulatory system to the rest of the body. The result is a drop in body temperature. Your immune system is then no longer as efficient as it would be when your body temperature is higher. You become more susceptible to pathogens and therefore also to vaginal infections and bladder infections, for example.
Cold feet can also cause the nervous system to reduce blood flow to the respiratory tract. This causes your nasal mucous membranes to become both cold and dry. This makes it easier for cold viruses to enter the body - a cold could become noticeable. 
So you should remember: where there is not enough blood flow, your body's immune system cannot work well. 

No more cold feet with Taynie socks made of organic cotton

We focus on comfort and durability! Our high-quality Taynie socks made from organic cotton are a real treat for your feet.
The fine cotton fiber ensures maximum comfort, has an odor-inhibiting effect and absorbs moisture well, thus preventing sweaty feet. Taynie socks have no seam on the toes and gently wrap around your foot - no cutting in, no pressure.
With our anti-hole guarantee you are guaranteed not to have any holes in your socks. 

The perfect socks for anyone who loves sneakers. They end at the ankle and provide a perfect hold without being too tight.

Try it out.

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