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5 red flags among gynecologists

Every year it comes up again - the preventive medical examination at the Gynaecologist or the Gynecologist . Nobody can get used to this “mandatory program”, can they? However, the check-up should definitely be carried out regularly in order to rule out possible gynecological problems.

This makes it all the more important to feel completely comfortable with your gynecologist. However, there may be many of you who have had one or two not so great experiences in a gynecological practice. Then it's time to not hesitate and start looking for a new practice. In this article, we will explain to you about 5 Red Flags with gynecologists who really don't work at all. 

Reasons to change gynecologist

Probably no one welcomes an appointment with the gynecologist with open arms and full of anticipation. Getting rid of your lower abdomen and getting rid of a to have an unfamiliar person examine the intimate area , will probably cause unpleasant feelings in most people. And that is completely normal. If, however, you find that you are afraid of going to the practice and the thought of it makes you anxious, you should look for another practice. Because this feeling probably doesn't come from nowhere and has an origin. We have listed the reasons that definitely speak in favor of changing your gynecological practice. 

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1) You are not taken seriously

Annual check-ups or not. Of course, you should definitely go to the gynecologist if you notice any gynecological problems. These can be, for example, increased PMS symptoms, pain during sex or itching in the intimate area, which is often caused by a Vaginal infection  Topics like these can often be uncomfortable and make gynecological treatment more unpleasant than it already is. Nevertheless, it is important to take a look at this and complaints not to be taken lightly. If the specialist then downplays your complaints, doesn't believe that you really have them and wants to get the examination over with as quickly as possible, it's time to pack up and leave. Not being able to show empathy for patients is a real red flag. 

2) Pill: The solution for everything

Contraception? The pill! Skin problems? The pill! Severe period pain? pill ! No matter what complaints people go to the gynecologist with, the pill seems to be the answer in most cases. Many gynecologists talk up the pill and sell it as a "solution for everything". The pill is often prescribed at a young age, during the first visit to the gynecologist. The side effects are usually completely ignored. The fact is: some people do not notice any side effects and others notice a lot. This varies from person to person. Hormones that are taken can ultimately change the entire hormonal balance and thus both the body and the mind. We believe that it shouldn't be quite that simple and that the pill should not be prescribed carelessly as the simplest solution. After all, there are a number of other contraceptive methods whose advantages and disadvantages should be explained in detail by the gynecologist. It even happens that doctors make people feel guilty because they want to use hormone-free contraception. In these cases, you should think twice about visiting this gynecologist again in the future.

Did you know? The pill is now the focus of speculation and many people decide to stop taking it. After stopping the pill, however, patience is required, as it can take nine to twelve months for the hormones to settle down again and the Post Pill Symptoms Do you want to learn more about the Post Pill Syndrome? Then read our Blog post  for this purpose. 

3) Inappropriate comments

“How is your love life?”, “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?” For us it is clear: Private questions like this is completely unacceptable and ends up on the red flag list straight away. Condemnations also have absolutely no place with a gynecologist. It could be something like "You need to be more careful with your contraception!" or negative comments about piercings or tattoos. Comments about weight or body type are also inappropriate in this medical context.

The fact is: the trust that is placed in the doctor is directly destroyed by such comments and remarks. Trust is, after all, the be-all and end-all when it comes to gynecological examinations.

Oh yes, there is one more thing: During information sessions, the gynecologist should avoid using technical terms if possible. After all, explanations should be understandable even if you are not an expert yourself.

4) Examinations without prior agreement

Any kind of examination by a gynecologist should only be carried out after prior consultation. This means that the gynecologist should always inform you before he or she touches you. start of the investigation without comment is clearly a red flag. This also means that the various steps of the examination should be announced in advance. This way, you as a patient always know what will be done next and can mentally prepare yourself for it.

And there is something else: a gynecological check-up usually includes examining and palpating the breasts. The examination of the breasts and the intimate area should be clearly separated from one another. The check-up should then be carried out in such a way that you first undress one part of your body, are examined there, get dressed again and then undress the other part of your body and are examined there. This means that you should never be examined completely naked by your gynecologist.

Tip: Regularly checking your breasts is very important for early detection of breast cancer. And you can easily do it yourself at home! Here  you will learn how to properly examine your breasts.

5) Desire to have children

Should we have children or not? Everyone decides for themselves. Some people consciously decide against having children and that is completely fine. Others, however, have a strong desire to have children, but they just want to pregnancy not work. So you can see that this is a sensitive topic - and gynecologists should be aware of that. They should have a neutral opinion on the topic and not force an opinion on anyone or put you under pressure. They can show you options for having children, but only if you have explicitly asked about them. 

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