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Circumcision and genital mutilation: the background

Circumcision - what is behind this complicated term? Behind this term, which is common in medical terms, is the word circumcision. The general public would now certainly say: Oh, that's the removal of the foreskin! That's true, because the term circumcision is limited to the removal of the foreskin. But perhaps the thought is floating around in your head that there is also a circumcision of the female genitalia. In fact, however, we are not talking about circumcision, but rather about Genital mutilation Because the word circumcision would simply make people forget that it is an extremely cruel procedure. Today, let's take a closer look at the topics of circumcision and genital mutilation. We will also look more closely at the methods and consequences of genital mutilation, so we would recommend that you only read this blog post if you feel ready to do so. 

What is the reason for circumcision?

There are various reasons for circumcision of the foreskin. It can be medical, hygienic, aesthetic and religious. Do you think that these reasons sound quite harmless at first? Then pay attention, because these rather harmless reasons refer to the removal of the foreskin. The whole thing looks different when people with vaginas are affected. But when it comes to genital mutilation of vaginas, there is usually a tradition behind it that aims to ensure that girls and women can “ virginity ” In this cruel procedure, their external genitals are removed and then sewn up. Are you wondering why we used the word genital mutilation? That is because this procedure on the female genitalia is very painful and involves drastic Follow The whole thing is different when it comes to circumcision of the foreskin.

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How useful is circumcision?

But are there any reasons why circumcision makes medical sense? In fact, it can sometimes make medical sense to Foreskin circumcision You have probably heard that a so-called foreskin constriction or phimosis can occur. But we can give you a sigh of relief, because if your foreskin is constricted, an operation is not necessarily required. For the time being, creams or ointments or stretching exercises can also be tried. In addition to phimosis, there are also other medical reasons for which circumcision could be useful. For example, have you ever heard of the Spanish collar? In this case, the glans is trapped due to the constricted foreskin. This is an emergency that should be checked by a doctor. But why is the Spanish collar, which is also known in technical jargon as paraphimosis, an emergency? If it is not treated, the glans can die. This is due to the severe swelling. Waiting too long is therefore out of place here; instead, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. medical treatment go.

Penis is all well and good, but what about the female Genital mutilation ? Are there any reasons why it could be useful? In short: No! It is neither medically necessary nor advisable to perform genital mutilation. Did you know that it is a criminal offence to perform female genital mutilation in Germany? Incidentally, this law also applies to people with German citizenship or those who are resident in Germany. 

What are the disadvantages of circumcision?

Now that we have explained to you that circumcision can make sense in some cases, you may be wondering: What are the disadvantages of such an operation? Let's take a closer look at them.


When a surgical procedure is performed, risks may arise. However, circumcision is generally considered a complication-free procedure , which is even a routine procedure among doctors. However, that does not mean that it simply passes without a trace for those affected. As you can probably imagine, circumcision can be painful. For example, injuries can also occur on the glans. Did you know that circumcision can even lead to phimosis recurring? The reason for this is the tissue that shrinks after the procedure. Of course, bleeding can also occur after an operation. But circumcision can actually also be associated with psychological stress. For example, people can feel a loss after their foreskin has been removed.

Genital mutilation

As you can probably imagine, female genital mutilation has extremely drastic consequences. These can even be life-threatening. We at Taynie are shocked to inform you that 25 percent of girls and women who undergo genital mutilation die. Death can occur during the procedure, but the consequences also carry this risk. Did you know that anesthesia is often not used during female genital mutilation, so that those affected suffer excruciating pain during the procedure? It is a traumatic procedure for girls and women.

Aside from the psychological risks associated with such a violent procedure, there are also a whole range of physical problems that can arise as a result of genital mutilation. These can vary depending on the type of circumcision. To help you learn more about the different types of genital mutilation, we would like to give you a quick overview.

Female genital mutilation is often unhygienic conditions carried out using razor blades or shards of glass.

In the first form, the visible part of the clitoris or clitoral hood is removed. However, when the second form is performed, not only the external part of the clitoris is removed, but also the inner and sometimes also the outer labia. These two forms are already frightening enough, but in fact there is another type of genital mutilation that can be classified as the most serious of these forms.The entire female genitalia is removed and the wound is sewn up. The sewing is intended to ensure that the girls and women only have a hole the size of a small grain of corn. The idea behind this is that girls and women should be seen as virgins.

But if the genital area is sewn up, it is no longer possible for urine or blood to flow out of the vagina normally. Infections as a result are not uncommon, but other serious risks such as incontinence, growths, infertility and much more can arise from this cruel practice. Sex and childbirth are also associated with severe pain. By removing female genitalia, those affected are also deprived of their sexual pleasure.

As we have already explained to you, there is also a fourth form of genital mutilation, which is characterized by the destruction of the vulva and/or vagina by methods of burning, cauterization or other methods. 

What changes after circumcision?

Shortly after a penis has been circumcised, there are of course a few things to consider. Those affected must wait approx. 3 to 4 weeks You should avoid both sexual intercourse and sport. In fact, the penis may become discolored and swollen after the operation. Patients may also experience the sensation of an exposed glans.

In fact, cleaning the penis after circumcision can be made easier, so some people decide to undergo this procedure for hygiene reasons. If you want to learn more about how to keep your intimate area clean, we recommend that you read here  check out our blog post on this topic.

Are you now wondering what it is like sexuality and circumcision? You've probably come across statements that circumcision of the foreskin leads to those affected experiencing greater sensitivity during sexual intercourse. But the assumption of increased pleasure has actually been refuted. One study found that uncircumcised participants actually found more fun during sexual intercourse than those who were circumcised. Another result of this study was that circumcised penises can be accompanied by discomfort such as numbness or pain during sex. In rare cases, the sensation of the glans can also be altered.

For people with a vagina, life changes dramatically after genital mutilation. If the tissue has been closed by stitches, then those affected will probably no longer be able to play sports and cycling will also be a thing of the past. Girls may even have their legs tied together for a long time after genital mutilation so that the stitches remain closed after the operation. Itching and adhesions of the tissue can also occur on thedays If sexual intercourse occurs, which may no longer be possible, the affected person is exposed to severe pain. Life changes after genital mutilation not only in terms of physical but also mental health

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