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Heat for period pain - that's it


Period pain differs from person to person and can even vary from cycle to cycle. Sometimes you may only feel a slight pulling sensation and in the next cycle your period may manifest itself as cramps in the abdomen, accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. Dragging yourself through everyday life with this can be quite challenging, but you don't always want to resort to medication. Heat helps. We'll tell you what it does.

The uterus contracts during your period and sheds the uterine lining. Many menstruating people experience cramp-like pain in the abdomen, which can be very severe and almost unbearable. Stress, hormone levels, diet - all of these can affect the intensity of the pain caused by the contractions. A tried and tested home remedy is heat. How does heat therapy affect your period pain?

Heat for menstrual cramps

Before you take tablets, try heat! A hot water bottle or a heat belt immediately relaxes the muscles and provides noticeably quick relief from the symptoms. The best thing is that, unlike ibuprofen and the like, heat has no side effects. A warm bath, a sauna visit (if you feel like it) or a hot shower can also have a calming and antispasmodic effect.

Heat belt, hot water bottle, heat patch - what helps best?

At home on the couch under a wool blanket, many menstruating women like to make themselves comfortable with a hot water bottle or a grain pillow. But in a busy and active day, this is rather impractical. We at Taynie have developed a super fluffy heat belt that you can even wear while you work. Thanks to its cuddly surface and comfortable feel, it is also the perfect accessory on the sofa, which relaxes the muscles and relieves pain. The integrated hot water bottle does not slip and you have both hands free to manage your everyday life despite your period. By the way: our fluffy heat belt also helps with back pain!

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Your safe support for a relaxed period with Taynie

Our Taynie period briefs are designed to replace up to 7 regular tampons, depending on the model. With good care, Taynies can easily last four years

Taynie period underwear adapts to all your movements and needs thanks to its flexible and stretchy nature. For a secure fit without leakage and for a relaxed period. 

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