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Ectopic pregnancy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Does the term ectopic pregnancy sound familiar to you? As the name suggests, it is not a normal pregnancy. In about  1% of pregnancies is an ectopic pregnancy. While in a normal pregnancy implantation takes place in the uterus, in an ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg sits in the fallopian tube. This is why it is often referred to as a false implantation. That this can be a life-threatening condition, why it even occurs, what symptoms there are and how the treatment of a Ectopic pregnancy You can find out what it looks like in this blog post. 

How does an ectopic pregnancy occur?

But what are the causes of such a pregnancy? For example, if you have had operations or infectious diseases, then it is possible that your fallopian tubes Adhesions Keyword infectious diseases: It is important that infections are treated as quickly as possible to avoid further complications, such as an ectopic pregnancy. That's why safety first applies here, because condoms and dental dams should not be missing from your sexual adventures to minimize the risk of infection. Learn more about sexually transmitted diseases here. If an egg is then fertilized, the adhesions could prevent the egg from implanting in the uterus. Instead, the fertilized egg would then remain in the fallopian tube.

Did you know that Endometriosis can also be a cause of an ectopic pregnancy? The reason for this is growths that can be located outside the uterus. The term endometriosis means nothing to you? Then read our blog post about it here.

You may have heard that people who use an IUD for contraception can get an ectopic pregnancy. If a pregnancy occurs despite using an IUD, then in most cases the fertilized egg is not in the uterus, because that is where the IUD is. This means that the fertilized egg can implant itself in the fallopian tube. Would you like to find out more about hormone-free methods of contraception? Then you can read our blog post about it here.  

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Do I have the same symptoms with an ectopic pregnancy as with a normal pregnancy?

The onset of an ectopic pregnancy goes hand in hand with the same symptoms of normal pregnancies. Abdominal pain when your period is late, morning sickness and uncomfortable breast tenderness are not uncommon. There is one difference, however: in most cases, these symptoms are less severe in an ectopic pregnancy than in a normal pregnancy.

Let’s now look at the symptoms that differ from normal pregnancies.Did you know that ectopic pregnancy can cause symptoms similar to inflammations of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, renal pelvis or appendix? Pain in the lower abdomen only occurs on one side and bleeding is sometimes also a symptom. If you have a one-sided pain in your abdomen and bleeding occurs at the same time, then this may be an ectopic pregnancy. Do you notice circulatory problems? These can also occur as a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. If you have any symptoms, seek medical treatment, because an ectopic pregnancy is a risk with fatal consequences for your health. 

Will the test be positive in the case of an ectopic pregnancy?

In short: Yes! Even in an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy test is positive, as you know from a normal pregnancy. Are you wondering why this is so? Even in an ectopic pregnancy, the formation of Beta-HCG , which is also popularly known as the pregnancy hormone. This hormone ensures that the pregnancy test is positive. However, things are different with a blood test. With the help of a blood test from your doctor, you can find out how the HCG concentration behaves there. The HCG concentration value only increases slowly and remains rather low overall? Then this is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. 

What to do if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy?

The first step if you suspect you are pregnant should always be to take a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, then you should go to your gynecologist. Your concerns should of course be taken seriously in the gynecological practice, but sometimes menstruating women experience unsatisfactory care from their gynecologist. In this case, we can also speak of so-called “red flags”. We explain these to you in our blog post on this topic, which you can find here. here We at Taynie think it is important that you feel well looked after in your gynecological practice.

During a gynecological examination, a Ultrasonic to examine the amniotic sac more closely. It may be very small or not present at all. In addition, a Blood test to confirm the pregnancy again and also to get information about the HCG level. If these two things are found in the test, then it could simply be the beginning of a pregnancy, or even an ectopic pregnancy. 

Can an ectopic pregnancy go away on its own?

Are you wondering if an ectopic pregnancy can go away on its own? In fact, ectopic pregnancies often end in the first 12 weeks a pregnancy on its own. The reason for this? An embryo is normally nourished in the uterus and not the fallopian tube, because the fallopian tube is not designed for this. The lack of nutrients ultimately leads to the detachment of the gestational sac and placenta, which triggers bleeding. 

How quickly does an ectopic pregnancy need to be operated on?

In the case of implantation failure, surgery is not necessarily required. An ectopic pregnancy can be prevented, for example, by treatment with a Laparoscopy This procedure determines whether the pregnancy is really ectopic and can also open the fallopian tubes so that the embryo can be removed. If the pregnancy is ectopic in the very early stages, a drug treatment terminate the pregnancy. However, if the fallopian tubes have already ruptured, then treatment must be an operation to remove the embryo. Ruptured fallopian tubes and internal bleeding can have serious consequences for your health and be life-threatening. Circulatory failure can occur, so immediate surgery is necessary.

In which week of pregnancy do I notice an ectopic pregnancy?

You had a positive pregnancy test and are now wondering at what week you could notice that it is an ectopic pregnancy? In fact, the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy listed above often only appear when you are in the 6th week of pregnancy are located. 

Can a baby survive an ectopic pregnancy?

Although there are a small number of cases where babies have survived an implantation pregnancy, in most cases an ectopic pregnancy is terminated. After all, the pregnant person is at particularly high risk to her health and the embryo may not be viable either.

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