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Period problems that are concealed

When people talk about period problems, we usually think of the classics such as abdominal pain and abdominal cramps. But the list is actually much longer. However, many period problems are simply not addressed - sure, we understand that talking about indigestion and a bloated belly can be a little uncomfortable. But these symptoms are unfortunately a monthly accompaniment for many menstruating women. Wouldn't it be much easier if we could talk about these unpleasant period problems? After all, those affected would no longer feel so alone with their symptoms and could talk to other people about them. We at Taynie are starting to do just that and want to put the spotlight on period problems that are often kept quiet.

What period problems can occur?

Did you know that a distinction is made between primary and secondary period problems? While primary problems are not caused by an illness, secondary problems are caused by illnesses or certain contraceptives that are responsible for the period problems. The latter always needs to be clarified with your doctor.

Period problems that can occur in addition to the familiar abdominal pain are as follows:

Back pain



Nausea, diarrhea and nausea

Circulatory problems

Tiredness/sleep disorders

Irritability and mood swings

It's pretty annoying that there are so many symptoms, isn't it? Some of the period problems mentioned are also simply not common in the vernacular. Menstrual migraines, which announce themselves a few days before the actual menstruation, are a good example of this. Do you also feel a general silence about this topic? We wanted to break the silence with this blog post.

If dizziness and sweating dominate your days, then this is a clear sign of circulatory problems. Many menstruating women can't imagine their period without them. It's quite annoying that the monthly bleeding even has an impact on our blood pressure. The consequence of this is the punishment of circulatory problems. This blog post takes a closer look at this fascinating topic.

Indigestion and periods get on extremely well together. And a bloated belly and diarrhea are often shameful topics that people prefer to keep quiet about. But there's no need to be ashamed, there are many menstruating women who suffer from this phenomenon. And you know what? There is even a logical explanation for why a bloated belly occurs during your period of all times. You can read about it here.

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What period illnesses are there?

Sometimes menstruating women have particularly heavy period problems. In fact, various illnesses can be the cause, because if, for example, the intensity of the pain and bleeding itself goes beyond a normal level, then these are certainly no longer normal period problems. These are so-called secondary period problems, where the symptoms occur due to organic causes. We would like to introduce you to some well-known period disorders, some of which you may already be familiar with.


Endometriosis is slowly gaining media attention - just right, we think! This disease should not be kept secret under any circumstances, as it can be very helpful for those affected to share their own experiences with it. Still not quite sure what endometriosis actually is? Then we can now give you

give you a short crash course! Endometriosis causes the uterine lining to settle and grow steadily outside the uterus. Pain is then caused, for example, by bleeding that is localized outside the uterus. Have you already read our blog post about endometriosis? Take a look at it here.

Polyps and fibroids:

Benign growths that can be found on the uterus are polyps or fibroids. Polyps consist of mucosal tissue, while fibroids originate in the muscular layer of the uterus. Sometimes those affected do not notice these growths at all, while others are afflicted by pain or heavy bleeding. Speaking of severe menstrual pain: Did you know that Spain has a so-called "menstrual leave"? Here you can find out why the term "menstrual leave" is somewhat misleading.

What to do about discomfort during your period?

Do you want to say goodbye to these annoying symptoms for good? Then you should take good care now.


The number one companion for discomfort during menstruation is clearly the hot water bottle. This classic has always proved its worth for abdominal and back pain. Did you know that there is a super fluffy hot water bottle from Taynie is available? You should definitely not forget this must-have for your next order. The fact that the bottle is completely vegan and even made in Germany is particularly impressive. Are you also part of Team Warmth, but want to give it that little bit extra? Then you should take a look at our Taynie warming belts. These are not only available in different colors, but also in different sizes. You know our warming belts yet? These game changers for menstruation are equipped with a hot water bottle and can be placed exactly where the warmth is needed thanks to the practical Velcro fastener. This is particularly practical for complaints such as back pain.


Did you know that a massage can help with abdominal pain? We think it's a great alternative to painkillers. Instead of swallowing a tablet, massaging the affected area can sometimes work wonders. Would you like to find out more? Then take a look at our exciting article about it here.


Light physical activity can be a real miracle weapon against period problems. You can do gymnastics or cycling, for example. Maybe even a relaxed jog will do you good. A walk in the fresh air can often provide relief. Have you ever tried yoga? This type of sport can help you with your period problems, such as digestive problems. You can find out which yoga exercises are particularly recommended here in our blog post to find out.


Relaxation is the be-all and end-all for combating various period problems. Stress is clearly a red flag here. Stress can be the culprit for the development of various symptoms, such as digestive problems, menstrual migraines and sleep disorders. Your body will thank you if you treat yourself to a concentrated dose of "me time" in your everyday life. How about meditation, for example? You can read more about how meditation can help alleviate symptoms here.

Period products

Have you ever thought about the fact that certain period products can exacerbate your period problems? For example, people affected by endometriosis find tampons particularly uncomfortable and painful. However, washable period panties and pads can be used instead. These have the advantage that nothing needs to be inserted into the vagina. If you want to do something good for yourself and your menstruation, then you should take a look around here.

What should I not eat if I have period problems?

It is well known that diet has a major influence on your body - both positive and negative. For example, have you ever heard that consuming caffeine can intensify menstrual cramps? Try water instead. While you should stay away from coffee and alcohol, water is always by your side. Did you know that it's particularly important to make sure you drink enough water during your period? Read more about it here. Salt can also have a negative effect on your period. A bloated belly is often caused by the fact that a high-salt diet binds the water in your body. Did you know that animal products are known to increase period problems? Your diet should consist of lots of vegetables, fruit, wholegrain products and pulses. A plant-based diet can even help during pregnancy. You can see for yourself here!

By the way, did you know that refined sugar can affect your mood? Ice cream and cakes are often referred to as soul food, but the sugar bombs are actually the complete opposite. Refined sugar causes your blood sugar levels to fluctuate wildly, which in turn can bring your mood down. Sometimes the days can be accompanied by cravings for sweets, so berries or apples are a good alternative to refined sugar.

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